
Showing posts from November, 2019

train massacre

By: Muhammad Wasif Khan

Over 70 dead, media stays silent

BY: Muhammad Wasif Khan

Facebook, Libra, Zukerberg and Congress

BY: Muhammad Wasif Khan On 23 Oct, Mark Zukerberg, CEO of Facebook appeared in front of the US House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, for the first time, about his role in developing Libra, a new crypto currency and the 2020 US elections. Concerning the Ads that were run on Facebook many congressmen and women asked Zukerberg about Facebook’s policy to not fact check the political ads that were running on the platform. Regarding the ads and election meddling Zuckerberg said that he feels the social network is well equipped to handle upcoming votes. During the appearance when Zukerberg was asked if Facebook was going to fact check political ads Zukerbeg replied,” We do not fact check politicians speech, the reason for that, we believe is, in a democracy it is important that people can see for themselves what politicians are saying”. While talking about Libra however, Zukerberg did not seem as confident with his answers. Zukerberg faced very tough quest

Prisons in USA Black vs White

  American Prisons                                        By: Muhammad Wasif Khan                     The United States of America holds the record for the highest incarceration rate in the world, according to an April 2019 report by CNN. In a 2018 report by the bureau of justice, nearly 2.2 million adults were held in America's prisons and jail. The minorities make up a very large portion of the number of people in jail. The black community which only covers 12% of the population of the US represents 33% of the federal and state prison population. In comparison with the white community which represents 64% of the total population but just 30% are behind bars. Often, the criminal justice system does segregate among black and white people. The New York Times in an article wrote how a black man was tackled to the ground by the police after a white man reported him for smelling bad. In another case, a Florida judge gave a black man 26 years in prison for armed robbery bu

Evolution Of Communication

Evolution of Communication By: Muhammad Wasif Khan