Prisons in USA Black vs White

  American Prisons
                                       By: Muhammad Wasif Khan                   

The United States of America holds the record for the highest incarceration rate in the world, according to an April 2019 report by CNN. In a 2018 report by the bureau of justice, nearly 2.2 million adults were held in America's prisons and jail.
The minorities make up a very large portion of the number of people in jail. The black community which only covers 12% of the population of the US represents 33% of the federal and state prison population. In comparison with the white community which represents 64% of the total population but just 30% are behind bars.
Often, the criminal justice system does segregate among black and white people. The New York Times in an article wrote how a black man was tackled to the ground by the police after a white man reported him for smelling bad.
In another case, a Florida judge gave a black man 26 years in prison for armed robbery but gave a white man for committing the same crime only a 2 year sentence.


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